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The Ultimate Guide to Implantation Bleeding: Causes, Symptoms, and FAQs

 Implantation bleeding is a common and normal occurrence for many women during early pregnancy. It occurs when the fertilized egg implants itself into the lining of the uterus, causing some light spotting or bleeding. While it can be concerning for some women, implantation bleeding is usually not a cause for alarm and does not pose a risk to the pregnancy. Causes of  Implantation Bleeding? Implantation bleeding occurs when the fertilized egg attaches itself to the lining of the uterus. This can cause light spotting or a light flow of blood, which is often mistaken for a period. It typically occurs about 10 to 14 days after conception, or around the time of a woman's expected menstrual period. How much blood is considered implantation bleeding ? Implantation bleeding is usually light and only involves a small amount of spotting or a light flow of blood. The amount of blood associated with implantation bleeding is generally much less than a regular menstrual period. Some women m...

What is spotting? Is spotting before period something that you should worry about?

 What is spotting ? 

Most women experience light or heavy spotting before their period is due. Spotting before period is very common and not something unusual to be surprised about. There can be many reasons that can be associated with spotting, but the most common known causes include bleeding as a result of hormonal changes. Bleeding may also be as a result of implantation of the embryo, which is the fertilized egg, on the wall lining of the uterus wall.

 Spotting before period is due  

Spotting a few days or Spotting a week before period is due can be caused by numerous reasons. It should not only be attributed to implantation of the fertilized egg but can also be a result of countless other physical or psychological factors. These factors can include anything from side effects of any form of medication (particularly fertility and birth control), stress, work pressure, physical exertion, weight fluctuations, chronic ailments and many other things as well.
Every once in a while you may have an untimed period and may also experience spotting before period. This can take you by the surprise of course, but the question here is that whether this is something that you should be really worried about? Could this be a pregnancy alarm or the little red flag indicating a serious health concern? The purpose of this article is to help you understand why spotting is not always something you should be worried about and can relax.

spotting before period
What is Spotting ?

  How common is spotting before period?   

Studies reveal that almost around 30 to 40 percent of women who are pregnant or expecting their first child, experience vaginal bleeding. This may be implantation bleeding and can also happen during the ongoing early phases of pregnancy. This spotting can also be a serious call for action as it may indicate towards an early miscarriage or loss of the baby in the first few early days. However, it is important for people to understanding that slight spotting is not always a pointer towards pregnancy and can also happen before your periods are due.
Spotting before period is not unusual and happens now and then. However, if this is consistent and longer than a week, it may require immediate medical attention. In such cases, professional medical help is recommended.

   Causes of Spotting   

Many reasons are there that are known as a cause of blood spotting. These include
  •  The first and foremost and of course, the most common reason known for spotting is an indication when the fertilized egg (embryo) attaches to the wall of the uterus. This is known as implantation bleeding
  • Spotting after having sexual intercourse. This type of blood spots is known as post-coital bleeding. This can also happen if you have sex during pregnancy because this is the time when the blood vessels in the cervix region are more sensitive and are easily ruptured or damaged
  • Slight or heavy bleeding in the early stages of pregnancy can, of course, be a serious problem and may indicate towards a miscarriage. This usually happens so early into the pregnancy that normally the woman has not even found out about her pregnancy yet
  •  If you have an ectopic pregnancy, then you might experience spotting now and then and this may go on throughout the pregnancy. Such cases require professional medical help
  •  A lot of medications have many side effects and can result in spotting. The most common medicines that can become a cause for bleeding include IUD’s, hormone enhancing drugs and contraceptive and birth control pills. Such medications can also cause breakouts of blood right after your period ends or even in the middle of your menstrual cycle
  •  Ovulation bleeding is very common in women. This means that women experience slight spotting for a day or two right on the time when they ovulate every month. Ovulation is the time of the month when the women are at peak of fertility and can easily be confused with period breakthrough
  •  Women who have Hormonal imbalance complaints or are suffering through thyroid problems may also experience pain and slight spotting every time they have their periods every thirty days
  •  Polycystic ovarian syndrome is very common in women and women in this condition may experience spotting every now and then
  •  Blood-thinning medication may also result in spotting, especially right before you are due to your monthly period
  •  There can be many other physical and emotional factors that can lead to slight or heavy blood spotting. This includes prolonged episodes of depression, stress, weight gain, lack of appetite, lack of nourishment, anxiety, insomnia and the list goes on


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