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The Ultimate Guide to Implantation Bleeding: Causes, Symptoms, and FAQs

 Implantation bleeding is a common and normal occurrence for many women during early pregnancy. It occurs when the fertilized egg implants itself into the lining of the uterus, causing some light spotting or bleeding. While it can be concerning for some women, implantation bleeding is usually not a cause for alarm and does not pose a risk to the pregnancy. Causes of  Implantation Bleeding? Implantation bleeding occurs when the fertilized egg attaches itself to the lining of the uterus. This can cause light spotting or a light flow of blood, which is often mistaken for a period. It typically occurs about 10 to 14 days after conception, or around the time of a woman's expected menstrual period. How much blood is considered implantation bleeding ? Implantation bleeding is usually light and only involves a small amount of spotting or a light flow of blood. The amount of blood associated with implantation bleeding is generally much less than a regular menstrual period. Some women m...

A complete guide about Cramping after Ovulation

Cramping after ovulation can be a sign that you are pregnant. However, sometimes reason can be different. To fully understand in depth the link between any cramping that may occur following ovulation and ovulation, it will be great to review what actually takes place during the process of ovulation and then observe why that process can cause cramping or pain, or whether the restless is due to something else.

Cramping after Ovulation

Post Menstrual Syndrome Cramping after ovulation

Post Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) cramping is a well-known and very common issue for women. Women who have prior experience of it may take it as a sign of pregnancy.And then they become disappointed after knowing the fact that they are not. It’s common mistake to make.As PMS cramping after ovulation (after several days of ovulation) continues, at the same moment as egg implantation will often develop a similar sign.Most of the women who undergo PMS do not do this till they reach in the 30s, although it is usual occurrence for women in their twenties or teens. When other symptoms of PMS or cramping start showing its existence, it is most of the time recommended by a female’s doctor that she keep a complete record of date and time when the different signs start showing. Such a record can be very helpful and beneficial in curing all the issues of PMS. Such records can be very beneficial for differentiatingPMS cramping from that of implantation,ovulation or something like that.
The most common symptoms of PMS cramping after ovulation include mood swings, tender breasts, dizziness, headaches and lower back pain. As a matter of fact, there are more than 150 various symptoms which you can relate to PMS. Among these symptoms, abdominal cramping included, most of the signs are also symptoms of thyroid disease.This clearly is an indication that cramping after ovulation can possibly be  linked to a lot of different causes.
The time when PMS cramping is about to happen is not all that difficult to avoid. It usually occurs between ovulation and the beginning of menstrual bleeding, or soon thereafter. This is called the menstrual cycle’s luteal phase.

Endometriosis – A rare but Possible Cause of Pain or cramping after ovulation

Cramping after Ovulation
Let’s discuss another cause of pain related to female-reproductive-system. Endometriosis is another cause of pain. Endometrial tissue is the tissue which tends to line the inside of the uterus. Most of the time, the cells that help this tissue grow elsewhere in the body, normally some place inside the abdominal cavity, and sometimes in the fallopian tubes or the vicinity of the ovaries. During every menstrual cycle, when this tissue lines the uterus, it becomes thick, tears apart, and starts bleeding.
When these cells link to fallopian tubes or the ovaries, what happens is that this cyclic action also occurs, and the consequence can be pain, spasmodic muscular contraction or an involuntary. The endometrial growths have a tendency to make lesions and develop scar tissue on the breakdown of the tissue. Within the reproductive system, they tend to interfere with the functioning of organs. One symptom that endometriosis can be the major reason of the issue i.e. cramping after ovulation is that the pain a woman experience is normally more intensive than the pain due to either ovulation or PMS.

Cramping because of Implantation is not uncommon

As discussed above, while cramping is one symptom of pregnancy and implantation, it not the only sign. It is not 100% certain that it is due to the implantation.
In spite of that, it is always inclined to be a somewhat positive sign that something is happening, although a lot of women who have experienced so many pregnancies never went through any type of cramping, at least at the early phases of the pregnancy.

Tracking the cramping after Ovulation

Since a lot of women or their medical advisers maintain a diary or log of the pregnancies and menstrual cycles, there is an abundance of statistical information available to show what could be expected as far as cramping after ovulation is concerned during the first few days.

Chart of cramping after ovulation w.r.t following days

Day 1:
It is said that around 6% of the women population in the world has to suffer pain or cramping after ovulation till 24 hours. Around two-third of these females are pregnant; roughly one-third are not pregnant. During the 1st day, women may suffer fatigue, flatulence, and bloat.
Day 2:
On day 2, 7% of women in the world experience pain or cramping after ovulation. 4.5% women are pregnant.
Day 3:
On the third day, fewer than 9% of women feel pain and cramp, and 6% are pregnant.
Day 4, 5 and 6:
On the fourth, fifth and 6th day, the percentage of women experiencing pain and cramping after ovulation increase to 10%, 12%, and 15% respectively. 6.5%, 7.5%, and 10% are the percentage of women who are pregnant.
Day 7 and beyond:
The percentage of women experiencing pain and cramping after ovulation increases to 16.5%. After ten days this percentage reaches 18.5%. The percentage of women who are pregnant is roughly 12.5%.
These figures show that less than 1 out of 10 women suffer pain or cramping during the first few days after ovulation. Around 2/3rd women who experience it in first ten days after ovulation are pregnant.
Final Verdict:
You don’t have to panic because experiencing cramping after ovulation is perfectly normal. It is also fairly normal, even if the numbers mentioned here shows that those who do suffer any cramping or pain are in an absolute minority. At the time of cramping, most female report it as being rather mild, and most of the time they describe it a dull pressure. As little as an egg is, it would look impossible for it to be the reason of few symptoms of ovulation. During conception and ovulation, there are a lot of meaningful changes happening in the woman body, and they are actually the reason behind the different signs that women sometimes experience.


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